Saturday, October 24, 2015


At the end of every season, the Hazel Day Longden Theatre is put to bed. This year, "closing the barn" took place on Saturday, September 25. Board members and friends worked to make sure everything was cleaned and put away.

Fiona Good and Melissa Green worked on the flower beds while Ric McFadden and Jim Green painted the fences around the air conditioners.

Dustin Bond and Caroline Good worked in the shop helping to sort through a season's worth of work and deciding what to keep.

Ric and Jim made short work of a difficult job.

Kathryn Dory worked on the box office and lobby.

TJ Tincher and Linda Gjesvold worked on painting the display letters from the front and east side of the barn. They will be stored for the winter and put back up in the spring.

Meghan Armitage helped sort and stuff the envelopes for the mailing that announced the annual meeting and the Upstage Award nominees.

Brad Sandy, Drew Brattain, Jim Rambo, Kathryn Dory, and Lita Sandy made a great team working to get the letters in the envelopes.

Shelly McFadden, Cecily Girton, and Bethany Bax joined them to finish up the job.

PCPH Board President Michael McClaine was given the most prestigious job.

The board will continue to meet in the off season to make sure that the 2016 is the best it can be.  Housekeeping and maintenance details will continue to be worked on.

No electronic equipment is kept on the premises for the off-season. No trespassing is permitted on the private property.  Camera surveillance and regular inspections by board members and local law enforcement officials help keep the facility safe.

Thanks to everyone for their great support for the 2015 season. Watch the mail in November for your Fund Drive Letter, and please make plans to join us for our 2016 season.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Director Shelly McFadden & Chet Clodfelter

Upstage Award winner Chet Clodfelter was unable to attend the Annual Meeting on October 11.

Director of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Shelly McFadden, delivered the award to him earlier this week.

Congratulations to Chet!

Monday, October 12, 2015


Upstage Award Nominee Vickie Parker arrives.

The annual meeting of Putnam County Playhouse was held on Sunday, October 11, at 3 p.m.  Board members and friends attended to hear reports from committee chairpersons.

President Michael McClaine, Board Member Jim Green

The meeting was conducted by PCPH President Michael McClaine. Other board members present included Linda Gjesvold, Drew Brattain, Jim Green, Jim Rambo, Sandi Rossok, Jack Randall Earles, Kathryn Dory, Dustin Bond, Meghan Armitage, Beth Bax, and TJ Tincher.

Board Member, Sandi Rossok

Also present were three of the four nominees for the Upstage Award. In addition to Vickie (nominated for The Game's Afoot), Eleanor Howard (nominated for Into the Woods), and Allison Creekmore (nominated for The Bad Seed).

Nominee Eleanor Howard with husband Brian.

Several cast members from The Bad Seed were there to support Allison's nomination.

L-R: Nominee Allison Creekmore, Sonora Irwin, Jim Green, Denee & Kevin Irwin

Board member Beth Bax and actor Clarence Long from The Bad Seed were also in attendance.

Clarence Long and Beth Bax
At the end of the meeting, PCPH Treasurer Mark Hammer announced the winner of the Upstage Award. 

Upstage Award Winner, Chet Clodfelter

It was given to Chet Clodfelter for his role in 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

Secretary Kathyn Dory displays the award.

The October meeting of the board was held immediately after the Annual Meeting.

Friendly chatter before the annual meeting.

Thanks to all who attended and participated!

Refreshments were served after the meeting.
Officers were elected during the regular meeting and plans for 2016 were discussed.

L-R: Jack Randall Earles, Drew Brattain, Jim Rambo

The board will meet next in December.

PCPH friend Mollie Beaumont & Board Member TJ Tincher